Membership Form – New and Renewing

Thank you for your interest in the Chico Mothers' Club.  After you have read the dues and obligations follow the instructions for filling out the Membership Form.

Dues and Obligations

The annual membership dues for CMC are due in June.  All dues go to keeping the club fun and functional. We have a pro-rated system of payment is as follows: 

  • Join in June - September and stay through May = $40

  • Join in October - January and stay through May = $30

  • Join in February - March and stay through May = $20

  • April & May - Membership Closed

We also encourage all members to actively participate in the club by helping to plan and/or implement at least one project or activity per year.

Join the Club!

Ready to get involved? Please complete the following form. A payment confirmation email will be sent to the email address you provide. New members will need to know someone in the club or be vetted to join our closed Facebook group. New members will also receive an invitation to the next New Member Playdate where they can be met and meet other new members.

Reach out to us if you have questions or concerns.